Tourism has many bene昀椀ts for Wake昀椀eld – it strengthens our local economy, sustains successful businesses and creates jobs. It plays an important role in helping our city and towns thrive and contributes to the quality of life of our local communities. Current Tourism Performance 2019 data shows that tourism is big business for Wake昀椀eld with 10m visits driving just over £500m of economic impact and accounting for 7% of total employment (approximately 9,000 1 jobs) . It also gives some speci昀椀c insights which help identify areas of focus for this Plan: • 1 Data sources: Economic Impact of Tourism in Wake昀椀eld 2019, TSE Research Unit, Great Britain Tourism Survey, Great Britain Day Visits Survey and the International Passenger Survey (2017-2019 3-year averages). 䠉
Wakefield Destination Management Plan Page 7 Page 9