CREATIVITY IN SANDAL Art at the Castle: Healthy Hedgerows 11 Jul - 30 Sep 2024 Experience a stunning art installation at Sandal Castle by artist Aprille McShane. The artwork was inspired Pit to the Pitch by the hedgerows around Sandal Castle and designs by pupils from The Featherstone Rovers Foundation two local primary schools. The unveiled a brand new piece of artwork, artwork is the culmination of the created by local artist and lifelong Healthy Hedgerows Project and Rovers supporter, Phillip Hollinworth. involved the children planting over The project, funded by Wakefield 200 native saplings with the help of Council’s Culture Grants, tied together The Woodland Trust to learn about Featherstone’s two strong cultural how important hedgerows are in cornerstones of mining and Rugby supporting local wildlife and tackling League. climate change. The Horbury Tapestry, Then and Now Sandal Library Mural The tapestry, created by the talented See local artist Beth Morgan’s new stitchers of Horbury 20 years ago, is mural at Sandal Library! Situated in beautifully displayed in Horbury Library. the children’s garden, the mural is Through an Our Year Culture Grant the designed to be interactive, allowing library, alongside One to One children to find and discover the Development Trust, will create an online, creatures living amongst the flowers. interactive gallery of the piece, its backstory and techniques. As part of the digitisation project, Friends of Horbury Library will launch an appeal on 20 July calling for submissions of pictures which capture Horbury life today. The library is particularly interested in younger contributors, and is hoping to create a photographic montage which will form a modern response to the tapestry. CROSSINGS & GATEWAYS 25

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