CROSSINGS & GATEWAYS FITZWILLIAM STATION SPOTLIGHT Crossings & Gateways is delivering a programme of murals A new public artwork is to be created on the and sculptures within footbridge at Fitzwilliam Station. Led by the communities across the district, Friends of Fitzwilliam Station and supported building on our legacy of public by Wakefield Council’s Culture Grants as art to help transform our places part of Our Year. and celebrate our unique heritage, Artist led creative workshops generated the as well as looking to the future. artwork designs for the bridge, including The programme is delivered in workshops in local schools, as well as in the partnership with local people and community. groups, representing the themes The research, original art works and and subjects which matter to community designs will be digitally collaged them, using the district as a to create the final artwork, due to be installed canvas to showcase our in Summer 2024! A celebration event will be creativity. held in August 2024 for all involved. Keep an The programme of public art is eye on the Our Year website for details. being revealed throughout the year and will help transform and uplift development sites through a series of vibrant murals on hoardings produced by local artists. Find out more at 24 CROSSINGS & GATEWAYS

Our Year Programme 2 - July-December 2024 (Doorstep Discoveries) - Page 24 Our Year Programme 2 - July-December 2024 (Doorstep Discoveries) Page 23 Page 25