OPERATIONS EPIC’s revenue has increased by 116% from 2018 to 2021. Projected revenue is 782K for 2022, reflecting a budget increase of 44% from 2021. Much of EPIC’s internal focus over the past three years has been on developing strong internal operations, financial controls, policies and procedures (creating an employee handbook, hiring more staff, etc.). EPIC implemented an HR/payroll system and new operations supports along with employee benefits. Acting as a model for employers, EPIC offers family friendly benefits, such as flexible scheduling and child care reimbursement. In 2020, EPIC rebranded the organization logo and completed a redesign of the EPIC website. Beginning in 2020, EPIC instituted a Finance Committee, to review financial policies, preview budgets and review the 990. EPIC now contracts with a CPA (specializing with non-profits) for bookkeeping and professional development/cross training for EPIC staff. MEMBERSHIP & COMMUNICATIONS EPIC was founded in 2009 as a 501c3 with two membership types, Executive and Network, written into the bylaws. Through their membership, Members support EPIC’s mission and have access to a range of events, resources, and the EPIC staff’s subject matter expertise. Executive Members also have access to exclusive events throughout the year in addition to several other benefits. EPIC is focused on improving common business interests through its work, and membership and communications are a major focus of the organization. Membership has grown 35% since 2019, and with additional internal staff capacity added in this area, EPIC is exploring new strategies to grow membership, communica- tions, and sustainability. Limited information is available on membership metrics prior to 2019. EPIC’s membership grew slowly after the organization was founded, and members were primarily acquired through relationships and directly asks from Board or other EPIC members. A structure was formed to allow members to create regional networks (Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Northern Colorado, Western Slope, etc.). Led by Burnie Zercher, a regional EPIC Pueblo group grew significantly and became a separate entity. Other regional networks were not successful in taking root. EPIC Pueblo is still in operation as a standalone entity, with most work focused on book drives and family-friendly business assessments/re- sources. EPIC’s previous and outdated logo is still being used by EPIC Pueblo, and the presence of two separate entities with distinctly different branding creates confusion in the broader community. EPIC Pueblo has asked EPIC to consider what a licensing structure may entail, whereby EPIC Pueblo is able to benefit from EPIC’s statewide policy work and branding, toolkits, and resources through an annual fee agreement. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP GROWTH SINCE 2019: EXECUTIVE NETWORK TOTAL PERCENTAGE % MEMBERS MEMBERS 2019 27 20 47 2020 19 30 26 56 2021 33 22 55 -1 2022 34 63 29 14 Since 2019, EPIC’s membership and Going forward, EPIC’s membership & communica琀椀ons communica琀椀ons highlights include: strategies include: Implementation of a consistent process to collect member dues Establish new development plan to organize and grow member- Full logo package and brand standards rebrand ship with Zim Consulting New website development and launch Implement a new CRM alongside a member tracking and engage- ment strategy Updated Public Relations and Social Media efforts, with a follow- Enhance membership benefits and rollout new corporate ing of 1680 and 2044 newsletter subscribers sponsorship opportunities Communications and graphic design moved in-house Survey existing and past members Monthly Blog Create Ad Hoc Membership Committee to support engagement Monthly Podcast 4
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