Easy-to-prepare appetizers... ...and party sides Do-it-yourself stuffed quenelle buns Named for creamy and delicate French dumplings, these buns make the perfect vessel for your favorite sauces and sandwich 昀椀llings. Quenelle Buns Authentic French quenelle buns are light and 昀氀uffy with a crisp exterior. A more delicate alternative to baguettes, these buns are well- suited for sandwiches and dips. Try a traditional quenelle dish by cooking the buns in a Béchamel sauce and serve with 昀椀sh. 12 buns. H54229 $26.39 Pommes Dauphine Potatoes au Gratin These mashed potato spheres wrapped in choux Boasting a crispy baked top, our individual pastry are texture heaven. A rich, crisp casing yields a potatoes au gratin are made with thinly delicious bite of savory, moist potatoes. Just bake and sliced potatoes, cream, garlic, and a delightful serve for a truly delightful side dish that goes with just blend of cheeses. 4 servings. about anything! 2.2-pound bag. H53232 $11.49 H53015 $11.89 Potatoes Anna Hasselback Potatoes This recipe originates from Sweden, and This side consists of thinly sliced potatoes is pleasing to the eyes and palate. Thinly layered in an elegant medallion sliced potatoes are roasted to golden brown pattern and cooked in butter. Bake for perfection with butter and Guérande sea salt. just 10 minutes, and serve as a perfect Delivered pre-cooked, so just pop in the oven until accompaniment to holiday meat dishes. a fork can easily pierce the crisp exterior! Perfect 5 servings. accompaniment to your grilled meats or roasted H53224 $17.99 昀椀sh. 7 servings. H53228 $27.79 Ravioles du Dauphiné This original Ready Meal features pasta stuffed with mild and nutty Comté cheese. Heat in a saucepan, then serve with a drizzle of cream or olive oil. Makes for a tasty and 昀椀lling entrée or a side dish to steamed vegetables, magret duck, or lobster. 1.1 pounds, 6 servings. H54006 $19.29 Order anytime online: cuisineryfoodmarket.com Questions? Contact Customer Service at [email protected] 7

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