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WEBSITE RECOMMENDATIONS Re-architecture and re-write of website to align with technology leader and educator standards while accelerating the achievement of Action Center goals with behavioral and civil alignment. UI & UX Behavioral Shifts to Improve Engagement Dramatically strip down and consolidate options Start with the Who (audience), reduce the What (what is STEM) and Pain/Fear/Lack based messages (economic/job/workforce development) Reduce explanatory copy on all pages Boil down data to succinct statements Give each audience a door that applies to them Organize navigation by Parents, Teachers/Educators, Businesses/Community Incorporate “Hello, [teacher/parent/student]. You’ve come to the right place” in the introductory copy on each audience-specific page Use terminology that makes sense for parents and businesses–not just educators/teachers Contact Us becomes a separate item on the top navigation Use “Join Us” Call to Action language with a clear path and why for each key audience Add brief introductory/summary language at the beginning of ALL pages What visitors will find on the page How the page will help [audience] HOME PAGE Add Hero content and an Intro/Welcome/explainer anchor video: What is STEM in Idaho? It’s You. OUR OPPORTUNITIES PAGE Eliminate mouse-over drop-down menus for Awards, Competitions, EarlySTEM, i-STEM, STEM EcosySTEM Instead, link subprograms (e.g., geographic locations for i-STEM) on one main page for that program VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 2 9 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER

Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center - Page 29 Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 28 Page 30