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Collaboration Shifts: 04 We recommend communication and campaigns that create a collaborative relationship with STEMAC audiences to (1) organically amplify the message beyond what the Center has the ability to do on its own, and (2) embody the "Growing Together" message in practice and communication. Collaborating with Students, Parents/Families, Educators/Teachers STUDENT REPORTER NETWORK Provide high school writers and reporters with a “Creating STEM stories for your school” guide Pitch STEMAC and statewide STEM news, events, and activities to student reporters Share their stories in STEM AC’s newsletter, and social platforms, with companies & EcosySTEM partners Potential partnerships with CBS-2 or another TV outlet ENGAGING PARENTS & FAMILIES “Support Your Child’s Curiosity with STEM” worksheets or stylized cards Family activities available on an app for phone, tablet, or download/printing Worksheets tie into everyday family activities and outings Developed a tiered Passport of STEM skills: Checklists and completion badge system–create badge names for values and skills that matter to families and at work Provide a guide and templates to help families share their STEM projects on STEM AC’s social platforms VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 3 4 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER

Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center - Page 34 Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 33 Page 35