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ECOSYSTEM PARTNERS Empower EcosySTEM to get the word out on how STEM programs are benefiting people in their communities Distribute a “Growing Community through STEM Success Stories” toolkit - use as a training tool during Convenings Identify and support student reporters with regional story ideas Seek out and report examples of soft-skill development via STEM IDENTIFY AND INTERVIEW STUDENTS, TEACHERS, SPONSORS–DRAFT STORIES & SUBMIT TO STEMAC Winners of IDX competition Rural community students who won 8 of 10 STEM program scholarships this year Tribal community representatives–what STEM means in their communities, how community members apply STEM every day Discussion with students entering STEM competitions in the state TRIBAL AND HISPANIC/LATINO COMMUNITIES Recruit a tribal and Hispanic/Latino representative for STEMAC within each EcosySTEM region Work with representatives to Seek, cultivate, and tell stories of how these communities are engaging with STEM Determine the communication platforms appropriate for each community Engage in creating culturally and language-appropriate materials Share these communities’ activities on STEM AC social platforms VOLUME PR & ENGAGEMENT SCIENCE LAB | 3 7 FOR IDAHO STEM ACTION CENTER

Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center - Page 37 Communication Audit & Civil Influence for Idaho STEM Action Center Page 36 Page 38