12. An example of non-durable goods is A. shoe. B. bread. C. television. D. refrigerator. 13. E-marketing is also called A. direct purchasing. B. electronic banking. C. e-mail order. D. internet business. 14. A product that has undergone processing is A. an intangible product. B. a primary product. C. an extractive product D. a secondary product. IS. Which of the following items is a primary product? A. Sugar B. Noodles C. Fresh tomatoes D. Fresh bread 16. The formation of a strategy to attain established marketing objectives is A. marketing concept. B. market forecast. C. - market demand. D. marketing planning. 17. A reduction in general personal income which leads to a change in a company's pricing strategy is an element of the A. competitive environment. B. political environment. C. economic environment. D. technological environment. 18. Marketing activities carried out in more than one country is A. international marketing. B. national marketing. C. home trade. D. entrepot trade. 19. Individuals or firms that enhance business activities but do not participate directly in the business are A. market unions. B. market facilitators. C. wholesalers. D. retailers. 20. The body formed by sellers of a common product in a local market is an example of A. market union. B. manufacturers' association. C. trade union. D. consumers' association. 03 1 1 1 1 204