5 25. 21. The cheapest mode of transporting imported cars from America to Nigeria is by A. air. B. road. C. water. D. rail. 26. 22. The middleman that buys in bulk and sells in bit is A. a retailer. B. an agent. C. a wholesaler. D. a broker. 27. 23. Which of the following channels of distribution would a producer who wants to control its unit price use? A. Producer — * Consumer B. Producer — »ÿ Retailer — > Consumer C . Producer — > Wholesaler — > Retai ler — ÿ Consumer D. Producer — > Agent — ÿ Retailer — > 28. Consumer 24. An example of transportation document that is used for local trade is A. waybill. B. certificate of origin. C. consular invoice. D. bill of lading. All individuals and units that buy goods for personal use constitute the A. industrial market. B. consumer market. C. government market. D. re-seller market. Which of the following activities is not a function of a merchandiser? A. Displaying products in the best location B. Identifying potential new accounts C. Maintaining and increasing shelf space D. Cleaning and displaying of products The differentiation of a firm's product from other competing goods is A. packaging. B. labelling. C. coding. D. branding. A disadvantage of warehousing is that it A. encourages hoarding of goods to create scarcity. B. ensures the availability of goods when needed. C. helps to protect goods from damages. D. ensures availability of storage facility for goods. 031 II 1204 Turn Over