ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PRACTICAL 1. (a) (i) Give the botanical name of each specimen A and B (2 marks) (ii) State four benefits of growing specimens A and B together as pasture (4 marks) (b) State four management practices which could be carried out on a pasture established with specimen A and B (c) List two other common forage which could be used in place of Specimen A on a pasture. (2 marks) (d) State the term used to describe each of the following forms in which specimen B could be presented to livestock (i) Fresh form (ii) Dried form (iii) Fermented form (3 marks) 2 (a) (i) Give one use of specimen C in animal production. (1 mark) (i) Name one nutrient which could be supplied by specimen C in livestock feed (1 mark) (b) Mention two product each which could be obtained from each of specimen D, E and F (6 marks) (c) (i) List three ways of preventing the growth of E in a calf (3 marks) (ii) State four benefits of preventing the growth of specimen E in cattle (3 marks) 3. (a) Mention the major nutrient in each of specimen G, H and J (3 marks) (b) (i) Give two benefits which could be derived from feeding livestock with specimen G (2 marks) (ii) State two effects of excessive consumption of specimen G by poultry (2 marks) (c) Name five other feedstuff which could be used in place of specimen H (5 marks) (d) State three effects of improper storage of specimen J in animal production (3 marks) 4. (a) (i) Mention four sources of specimen K in animal production (4 marks) (ii) State four ways in which specimen K could be used in poultry production (4 marks) (b) State four ways in which farm animals could be restrained using specimen I. (4 marks)