Essay 2 hours [80 marks] There are six questions in this paper. Answer four questions in all All questions carry equal marks. Write your answer in ink. 1. (a) (i) Draw and label four parts of a land snail (6 marks) (ii) State four features of a good housing unit for rearing snails. (4 marks) (iii) Name three predators of land snail. (3 marks) (b) Mention three insect pests of sheep (3 marks) (c) State four ways in which the productivity of farm animals could be enhanced (4 marks) 2 (a) (3 marks) (3 marks) (b) (3 marks) (c) (4 marks) (d) (4 marks) 3. (a) Name three internal organs found in each of the following regions of a farm animal: (i) Thoracic region: (3 marks) (ii) Abdominal region (3 marks) (b) (i) List four records that could be kept by a poultry farmer (4 marks) (ii) State four reasons for keeping poultry production (4 marks) (c) (i) State three damages that could be caused by rats in a deep litter house. (3 marks) (ii) Mention three ways of controlling rats on animal farm (3 marks) 4 (a) (3 marks) (b) (10 marks) (c) (2 marks) (d) Parameter Increase Decrease Normal (i) Water intake (ii) Grazing time (iii) Milk yard (iv) Feed intake (v) Egg production (5 marks)