WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Past Questions

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SC5181 WASSCE SC 2022 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 1 Objective Test 4 0 minutes Name: Index Number: THE WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WAS SCE) for School Candidates, 2022 SC 202 2 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 1 4 0 minutes Objective Test [ 4 0 marks ] Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top right - hand comer of this booklet and thereafter, read the following instructions care f ully. 1. Use HB pencil throughout. 2. If you have got a blank answer sheet, complete its top section as follows. (a) In the space marked Name , write in capital letters your surname followed by your other names . (b) In the s paces marked Examination , Year , Subject and Paper , write ‘ WASSCE (SC)’, ‘ 2022 ’ ‘ ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ’ and ‘ 1 ’ respectively. (c) In the box marked Index Number , write your index number vertically in the spaces on the left - hand side . There are numbered spaces in line with each digit. Shade carefully the space with the same number as each digit. (d) In the box marked Paper Code , write the digits 402112 in the spaces on the left - hand side. Shade the corresponding numbered spaces in the same way as for your index number. (e) In the box marked Sex, shade the space marked M if you are male , or F if you are female . 3. If you have got a pre - printed answer sheet, check that the details are correctly printed, as described in 2 above. In the boxes marked Index Number, Paper Code and Sex , reshade each of the shaded spaces. 4. An example is given below. This is for a male candidate whose name is Chinedu Oladapo DIKKO , whose index number is 4251102068 and who is offering Animal Husbandry 1. . ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 2022 https://stcharlesedu.com

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Answer all the questions. Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find the correct option for each question and shade in pencil, on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below. Another name for red blood cells in farm animals is A. thrombocytes. B. erythrocytes. C. granulocytes. D. leucocytes. The correct answer is erythrocytes, which is lettered B and therefore answer space B would be shaded. [A] [B] [C] [D] Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change. Do all rough work on this question paper. Now answer the following questions. 1. Farm animals with four-chambered stomach are referred to A. ruminants B. pseudoruminants C. monogastrics D. omnivores- 2. Which of the following diseases is transmitted by tick? A. babesiosis B. coccidiosis C. sleeping sickness D. night blindness 3. Which of the following feed ingredients contains the highest amount of protein? A. whole maize B. groundnut cake C. wheat offal https://stcharlesedu.com D. fish meal 4. The causative organism of contagious abortion in cattle is called A. brucella abortus B. brucella suis C. bacilllus anthracis D. salmonella sp 5. In ruminants, volatile fatty acids are produce in the A. rumen B. reticulum C. omasum D. abomasum 6. Natural immunity in young farm and could be acquired from A. vaccination B. colostrum C. antibiotics

D. disinfection 7. TTThehehe us us useee of l of l of local hocal hocal heeerbs,rbs,rbs, shrubs and r shrubs and r shrubs and roots oots oots to trto trto treeeat sat sat sick animick animick animals als als is descriis descriis descrieeed asd asd as A. orthodox vorthodox veterinareterinary practicy practiceses B. trado-vetveteeririnary prnary practactices C. etho-vetveteeririnary prnary practicesactices D. pathologicapathological practil practicesces The pie chart bbbeeelololow illustraw illustraw illustrates ttes ttes the rhe rhe reeecord cord cord of salof salof saleees s s of a of a of a livestock falivestock falivestock farmer. rmer. rmer. Study it carefully aand use itnd use it tto anso answwer qer questiuestions ons 8 and 9 8. What is thWhat is thee p peerrcentagcentagee c contribontribution of ution of dairydairy products products? A. 17% B. 35% C. 42% D. 52% 9. If If thethe t total incotal income of tome of the farhe farmer is mer is N11, 544,200.00, ca, calculate tlculate the incomhe incomee f for dairy or dairy products A. N1, 962,514.00 B. N 4,040,470.00 C. N5, 194,890.00 D. N6, 002,984.00 10. In apicultIn apicultururee, ho, honey prney production is oduction is carrcarried ied out by the A. brood B. worker https://stcharlesedu.com C. queen D. drone TThehe dia diagram gram below illubelow illustrates astrates a method method of grazof grazinging c control. ontrol. StStudy udy itit cacarereffullully y and answer questions 11 and 12

11. The illustrated method is A. padlocking B. hobbling C. ranching D. tethering 12. The management practice is mainly done to prevent the animal from A. attacking the farmer B. attacking other animals C. roaming about D. destroying crops Use this information to answer questions 13 and 14 Guinea grass was planted on a 40m × 100m land with a spacing of 0.5m × 0.75m. 13. Determine the population of the Guinea grass A. 1, 500 B. 5,333 C. 8,000 D. 10,666 14. If the percentage germination of Guinea grass is 80% ,determine the plant population. A. 1,200 B. 4,266 C. 6,400 D. 8,533 15. During artificial insemination, semen is diluted with glycerol to A. provide nutrients for the spermatozoa B. provide antibacterial action to the spermatozoa C. serve as lubricant to the spermatozoa D. buffer the pH of the semen 16. A secondary reason for keeping dairy cow is for A. milk production B. work purpose C. mutton production D. breeding purpose 17. Vaccination provides immunity against a disease because it stimulates the body to produce https://stcharlesedu.com A. antibodies B. antigen C. antitoxin D. antiserum 18. Which of the following livestock parasites possesses a rostellum? A. roundworm B. tapeworm C. tick D. fleas 19 The main reason for castrating male farm animals is to A. increase meat production B. make the animals sterile C. make animal develop immunity. D. make them lose weight

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Essay 2 hours [80 marks] There are six questions in this paper. Answer four questions in all All questions carry equal marks. Write your answer in ink. 1. (a) (i) Draw and label four parts of a land snail (6 marks) (ii) State four features of a good housing unit for rearing snails. (4 marks) (iii) Name three predators of land snail. (3 marks) (b) Mention three insect pests of sheep (3 marks) (c) State four ways in which the productivity of farm animals could be enhanced (4 marks) 2 (a) (3 marks) (3 marks) (b) (3 marks) (c) (4 marks) (d) (4 marks) 3. (a) Name three internal organs found in each of the following regions of a farm animal: (i) Thoracic region: (3 marks) (ii) Abdominal region (3 marks) (b) (i) List four records that could be kept by a poultry farmer (4 marks) (ii) State four reasons for keeping poultry production (4 marks) (c) (i) State three damages that could be caused by rats in a deep litter house. (3 marks) (ii) Mention three ways of controlling rats on animal farm (3 marks) 4 (a) (3 marks) (b) https://stcharlesedu.com (10 marks) (c) (2 marks) (d) Parameter Increase Decrease Normal (i) Water intake (ii) Grazing time (iii) Milk yard (iv) Feed intake (v) Egg production (5 marks)

ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PRACTICAL 1. (a) (i) Give the botanical name of each specimen A and B (2 marks) (ii) State four benefits of growing specimens A and B together as pasture (4 marks) (b) State four management practices which could be carried out on a pasture established with specimen A and B (c) List two other common forage which could be used in place of Specimen A on a pasture. (2 marks) (d) State the term used to describe each of the following forms in which specimen B could be presented to livestock (i) Fresh form (ii) Dried form (iii) Fermented form (3 marks) 2 (a) (i) Give one use of specimen C in animal production. (1 mark) (i) Name one nutrient which could be supplied by specimen C in livestock feed (1 mark) (b) Mention two product each which could be obtained from each of specimen D, E and F (6 marks) (c) (i) List three ways of preventing the growth of E in a calf (3 marks) (ii) State four benefits of preventing the growth of specimen E in cattle (3 marks) 3. (a) Mention the major nutrient in each of specimen G, H and J (3 marks) (b) (i) Give two benefits which could be derived from feeding livestock with specimen G (2 marks) (ii) State two effects of excessive consumption of specimen G by poultry (2 marks) https://stcharlesedu.com (c) Name five other feedstuff which could be used in place of specimen H (5 marks) (d) State three effects of improper storage of specimen J in animal production (3 marks) 4. (a) (i) Mention four sources of specimen K in animal production (4 marks) (ii) State four ways in which specimen K could be used in poultry production (4 marks) (b) State four ways in which farm animals could be restrained using specimen I. (4 marks)