D. disinfection 7. TTThehehe us us useee of l of l of local hocal hocal heeerbs,rbs,rbs, shrubs and r shrubs and r shrubs and roots oots oots to trto trto treeeat sat sat sick animick animick animals als als is descriis descriis descrieeed asd asd as A. orthodox vorthodox veterinareterinary practicy practiceses B. trado-vetveteeririnary prnary practactices C. etho-vetveteeririnary prnary practicesactices D. pathologicapathological practil practicesces The pie chart bbbeeelololow illustraw illustraw illustrates ttes ttes the rhe rhe reeecord cord cord of salof salof saleees s s of a of a of a livestock falivestock falivestock farmer. rmer. rmer. Study it carefully aand use itnd use it tto anso answwer qer questiuestions ons 8 and 9 8. What is thWhat is thee p peerrcentagcentagee c contribontribution of ution of dairydairy products products? A. 17% B. 35% C. 42% D. 52% 9. If If thethe t total incotal income of tome of the farhe farmer is mer is N11, 544,200.00, ca, calculate tlculate the incomhe incomee f for dairy or dairy products A. N1, 962,514.00 B. N 4,040,470.00 C. N5, 194,890.00 D. N6, 002,984.00 10. In apicultIn apicultururee, ho, honey prney production is oduction is carrcarried ied out by the A. brood B. worker https://stcharlesedu.com C. queen D. drone TThehe dia diagram gram below illubelow illustrates astrates a method method of grazof grazinging c control. ontrol. StStudy udy itit cacarereffullully y and answer questions 11 and 12