46. If the heart rate for 10 seconds is 20 beats. How many beats will be recorded for an athlete in a minute? A. 80 B. 90 C. 100 D. 110 E 120 47. During physical activities the amount of blood pumped out per beat is referred to as A. heart beat. B. heart rate. C. pressure point. D. pulse rate. E. stroke volume. 48. Which of the following pairs of systems brings about active movement? A. Digestive and excretory B. Muscular and reproductive C. Nervous and digestive D. Nervous and muscular E. Skeletal and muscular 49 Which of these attributes describes the qualities of a good First-Aider? A. Arrogance B. Carelessness C. Emotional D. Resourceful E. Selfish 50. Which of the following is not an angular movement? A. Abduction B. Adduction C. Eversion D. Extension E. Flexion 51. Which of the following methods helps to improve personal health? A. Drug abuse B. Eating one class of food C. Health service utilization D. Irregular exercise E. Isolated life style 52. Which of the following is health related physical fitness? A. Agility B. Balance C. Flexibility D. Power https://stcharlesedu.com E. Speed