12. The exercise that gives abdominal muscle strength and endurance is A. cartwheel. B frog jump C handstand. D. press-up E. sit-up 13. Which of the following is a characteristic of recreation? A. Competitive in nature B. Compulsory participation C. Enjoyment and satisfaction D. Encourages idleness and emotions E. Reduces fitness level 14. Which of the following is an outdoor recreational activity? A. Badminton B. Chess C. Scrabble D. Squash E. Tennis 15. A freely chosen beneficial activity performed during leisure time defines A. excursion. B. gymnastic. C. intramural. D. recreation. E. rhythmic. 16. Which of these organs perform(s) the function of respiration? A. Heart B. Kidneys C. Liver D. Lungs E. Skin 17. Humerus and Radius meet at the _________ joints. A. ankle B. elbow C. hip D. Knee E. wrist 18. If a player in Basketball bounces and holds the ball repeatedly, it is called A. dribbling. B. double bounce C. Good pass. D. single bounce E. travelling https://stcharlesedu.com 19. Which of the following activities is classified as locomotor movement? A. Bending B. Flexion C. jogging D. Pushing E. Swinging