Calculatethe totaldistance covered 8, Calculatethe momentofthe force duringthe motionrepresentedin showninthediagrambelow. the velocity-time graph shown below. 7T V(ms"') —2 m 10N A. 5.0Nm B. 10.0Nm 8 t(s) C. 17.3Nm D. 20.0Nm A. 25 m E. 34.0Nm B. 30m C. 50m Afootball isprojectedtoreach D. 65 m maximumrange.Ifthe initial E. 80 m velocity is U,expressthehighest Twovectors 10NWestand vertical distance attainedinterms 15NEastoriginatedfromthe same andg. point.Calculatetheir resultant. ofU [Sin45°=-ÿ] A. 1.5 NWest B. 5.0NEast C. 15.0NWest A. ML D. 25.0NWest 16g E. 150.0NEast B. VL g Anobjectweighs 0.25 Ninair and 8 0.21Nwhenfully immersedin C. i water. Calculatethe relative *g density ofthe object. D. ul A. 0.04 8 2 B. 0.46 E. U C. 0.84 g D. 1.19 E. 6.25 10. Aparticlevibrateswithsimple harmonicmotion.Ifitsacceleration 7. Twoforcesofmagnitudes25N inms~2is25timesitsdisplacement and 16Nareinclinedatanangleof inmetres,findtheperiodofthe 120°toeachother.Calculatethe motionintermsof n. magnitudeoftheirresultant. A. 35.79N A. 0.08tts B. 29.68N B. 0.12;rs C. 26.10N C. 0.20?rs D. 21.93N D. 0.40jcs E. 9.00N E. 0.80/ts YAL/21/A