PAPERin Answerallquestions. EachquestionisfollowedbyfiveoptionsA-E. Choosethecorrectoptionfor eachquestion andshadeinpencilonyouranswer sheetthe answer spacewhichbearsthe same letter asthe option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question and erase completely any answeryouwishtochange. Doallroughwork onthisquestionpaper. Anexampleisgivenbelow. Acapacitor ofcharge 7.5 * 10*9Chasapotentialof50V.. What isitscapacitance? A. 6.7 * 10~,5|iF B. 1.4 x KT'pF C. 1.5 x 10"4pF D. 7.5 x 10~2pF E. 3.8 x 10_1uF Thecorrect optionis'1.5 x 10"4pF'which isletteredC. Therefore answer Cwould be shaded. [A] [B] W PI [E] 1. Whichofthe following sets of S.I. 3. Whichofthefollowingstatements units is fundamental only? is notcorrectaboutvelocity?Itis A. A,mol,m2 A. avector quantity. B. cd,mol,K B. thetime-rate ofchangeof C. N,cd,tns"1 displacement. D. N,m\ms~2 C. measuredinmetreper E. s,J, K second. D. speedmeasuredinagiven 2. Whichofthefollowingbodies direction. exhibitstranslationalandrotational E. uniformroundacircular motionssimultaneously? A. Beehoveringoveraflower B. Bookslidingdownan inclinedtable C. Cylinderrollingdownan inclinedplane D. Stonethrownvertically upwards E. Wheelmovingonacircular track VAL/21/A