PARTII (40marks) Answer any four questions inthis part. All questions carry equal marks. 12. (a) (i) Explain quantity. (ii) fundamental whichhavethe same unitasenergy. Mentiontwoquantities (b) Sketcha velocity-time graph ofthe motionofa pendulum bob swinging from oneendtoanother. (c) A metre rule of mass 15 g pivoted at the 30 cm mark balanced horizontally whenaloadof25 gwashungatthe 18cmmark. (i) Sketchthe set up. (ii) Ifthe position of the pivot is moved to the 33 cm mark,by how much mustthe loadbereducedto maintainthehorizontalbalanceofrule? 13. (a) Distinguishbetweenelastic and inelasticcollisions. (b) Acalorimetercontaining65 goficeat-10°C isheateduniformlyuntilitboils after 180s. Sketchalabelledgraphto illustratethevariationoftemperature of the icewithtime. (c) A faulty Celsius thermometer reads 5°C at the melting point of pure ice and 95°Catthe boilingpointofwater at normalpressure.Calculatethe: (i) Correcttemperature readingwhen itreads40°C (ii) Temperature at which its reading will be exactly the same as the correct temperature reading 14. (a) (i) State Snell's lawofrefraction. (ii) Why does a musical note, ofthe same amplitude and frequency being playedonaflute, guitar andtrumpet, sounds different? (b) (i) Mentionone similarity betweenacamera andthe humaneye. (ii) Giveonedifference betweenacameraandthe humaneye. (c) A light raytravelled from water into the air at anangle of incidence of30°. Calculate: (i) Its speed inwater (ii) The angle ofrefraction inthe air [Speedoflight inair =3.0 x 108ms-1,refractive index ofwater = 1.33] YAL/21/A