PAPERII PARTI (20marks) Answersixquestionsinthispart: No. andanyotherfive. Question I No. carriesfivemarkswhileothers threemarkseach. Question 1 carry . (a) (i) Mentionadeviceusedfor detectingfault inelectric circuits. 1 (ii) Mentiononefeature ofthenameddevicein(i)above. (b) Distinguishbetweensimpleandcompoundmicroscopes. (c) The mass ofcopper deposited onthe cathode ofa copper voltameter is 450 g when a current passed through it for 25 minutes. Calculate the current passed throughthe voltameter. [Electrochemicalequivalentofcopper=3.3 x 10-4gC~'] 2. Awoodenblockwasplacedonaninclinedplaneasshownbelow. Woodenblock Inclinedplane ~Sk Ifit isjust about to slide, show that the ratio of the sine of angle a to the cosine of angle a isthe same as thecoefficient offriction. (a) What isthe rangeofaprojectile? (b) An athlete threw ajavelin with a velocity of 12 ms-1. Ifthe javelin hits the groundafter 1.5 s, calculate itsangle ofprojection. [g=10ms-2] (a) Mentiontwo bodiespossessingkineticenergy. (b) A water fall is 108 m high. Calculate the difference in temperature of the water aboveandbelowthewater fall. [g=10ms-2] (a) Whatis ? vaporization (b) State one effect of increase in heat for a temperature range of 50°C to 100°C on: (i) Plastic (ii) Iron YAL/21/A