MARKETING SS I FIRST TERM SUB-THEME 1: MEANING AND CONCEPT OF MARKETING K TOPIC PERFORMANCE CONTENT ACTIVITIES TEACHING AND EVALUATION E WE OBJECTIVES TEACHER STUDENTS LEARNING GUIDE RESOURCES 5 Marketing concepts I Students should be able (1) Marketing (1) Discusses the (1) Participate in (1) Textbooks Students to: to: concepts. various marketing discussion. (2) Magazines state two differences distinguish between (2) Concepts under concepts. (2) Listen to (3) Chart between production production concept and which organization (2) Guides explanation. (4) Pictures and selling concept. selling concept. conduct marketing students to (3) Ask questions activities: distinguish (4) Copy chalkboard -the production between summary. concept. production -the product concept concept and -the selling concept. selling concepts. 6 Marketing concepts Students should be able Marketing concept: Explains the (1) Listen to (1) Textbooks Students to: II to: -the societal various marketing explanation. (2) Magazines explain the various explain the following marketing concept concepts. (2) Ask questions (3) Chart marketing concepts. marketing concept. -the consumer (3) Copy chalkboard orientation summary. marketing concept. 7 Marketing concepts Students should be able (1) Integrated Explain the (1) Listen to (1) Textbooks Students to: III to: organizational marketing explanation. (2) Magazines explain the various (1) explain the following efforts concepts. (2) Ask questions. (3) Chart concepts under which marketing concepts. (2) Profit orientation (3) Copy chalkboard organizations conduct (2) integrated summary. marketing activities. organizational efforts. 713