PHYSICS SS III SECOND TERM SUB-THEME 4: FIELDS AT REST AND IN MOTION K TOPIC PERFORMANCE CONTENT ACTIVITIES TEACHING AND EVALUATION E E OBJECTIVES LEARNING GUIDE W TEACHER STUDENTS RESOURCES 8 Dams and Students should be (1) Location of (1) Shows (1) Watch (1) Film Students to: energy able to: dams for film/picture/chart of film/chart/picture of /picture/chart of (1) list dams in (1) identify dams for producing dams in Nigeria dams in Nigeria. dams in Nigeria. Nigeria for Rockets and producing electricity electricity in (2) Leads discussion (2) Discuss how (2) Pictures producing satellites in Nigeria. Nigeria on how electricity is electricity is /chart/film of electricity (2) describe how (2) Principle of produced from a produced from a rockets and (2) describe how electricity is produced production of dam. dam. satellites. electricity in from a dam electricity from (3) Shows (3) Examine produced from a (3) identify the dams. pictures/chart of picture/charts of dam. component parts of (3) Component rockets and satellites rockets and satellites (3) identify the rockets and satellites; parts of rockets indicating their to identify their components parts (4) describe the and satellites. component parts. component parts. of rockets and functions of rockets (4) Function of (4) Leads discussion (4) Discuss the satellites. and satellites. rockets and on the functions of functions of rockets (4) describe the (5) state the uses of satellites. rockets and satellites and satellites s function of rockets and satellites. (5) Uses of (5) Invites an expert (5) Discuss the uses rockets and rockets and to give a talk on of rockets and satellites. satellites. rockets, satellites satellites. (5) state the uses and their uses to of rockets and man. satellites. 93