PHYSICS SS III SECOND TERM SUB-THEME 4: FIELDS AT REST AND IN MOTION K TOPIC PERFORMANCE CONTENT ACTIVITIES TEACHING AND EVALUATION E E OBJECTIVES LEARNING GUIDE W TEACHER STUDENTS RESOURCES 7 Transmission Students should be (1) Transformer (1) Shows film/chart (1) Construct a (1) Chart showing Students to: Systems able to: (2) Need for use of a transformer and model different types of (1) construct a (1) construct of machines in its parts transmission simple and model of a Users of machines simple doing work (2) Invites an expert system using a complex machines. transmission system. transmission -Easier to give a talk on transformer. (2) Chart/pictures (2) explain how system. -Quicker and electrical (2) Discuss the of abandoned electrical energy is Repairs and (2) explain why it more conveniently transmission from need for and faulty machines. transmitted from maintenance of is preferred to have (3) Instances of energy generating instances where (3) Film on generating plant to machines a high p.d. instead use of machines: plant to the we use machines. consequences of the street users. of high current At home, in consumers in the (3) Discuss the poorly maintained (3) students to list transmission over a offices, in street. need for early machines. the uses and long distance. industries, in (3) Leads discussion repairs of instances for the use (3) state the need agriculture, in on the need for the identified faults in of machines. for the use of transportation use of machines. machines (4) state need for machines (4)Need for a (4) Leads discussion (4) Discuss repairs of machines (4) state instances repairs of on various instances regular (5) state need for where machines machines for the use of maintenance of regular maintenance are used. (5) Need for machines. machines. of machine. (5) state the need to regular (5) Leads discussion (5) Watch (6) identify and identify faults in maintenance of on the need for pictures/film on follow maintenance machines and machines. identification of faulty machines schedules for repair them. (6) Maintenance faults in machine and and consequences machines. (6) state the need schedule of their early repairs. of poorly for regular machines. (6) Leads discussion maintained maintenance of on regular machines. machines maintenance of (7) identify and machines. follow a (7) Shows maintenance picture/chart, on schedule for a faulty machines and machine. consequence of poorly maintained machines. 92