MATHEMATICS SS III FIRST TERM THEME: NUMBER AND NUMERATION K TOPIC PERFORMANCE CONTENT ACTIVITIES TEACHING AND EVALUATION E E OBJECTIVES LEARNING GUIDE W TEACHER STUDENTS RESOURCES 6 Arithmetic of Students should be able Further use of (1) Shows the solution (1) Study the (1) Solution charts Students to: finance to: logarithm table in chart. solution charts of of logarithm on (1) calculate interest (continued) (1) calculate problem problem involving: (2) Calculates interest logarithm in bond and debenture on: involving bonds and (1) Bonds and on bound and debenture calculating interest (2) Logarithm table. (2) bond and departure interest. debenture purchase either by in bond and (3) Solution chart on debenture purchase (2) calculate the number (2) Shares individual or institution debenture. rates taxes and or sold over a period of shares in an (3) Rates e.g. value added tax on (2) Calculate values added tax. (3) compute income investment. (4) Income tax the floor of the interest on bond taxes and value (3) use the compound (5) Value added tax. exchange market and debenture added tax. interest formula attracts 0.5% of the purchase by an n price. individual or to (3) Carries simple institution using calculate the rate (r) of a calculation involving logarithm table. given investment if a rates, taxes, value (3) Solve problems principal (p) is invested added tax (VAT) on rates, taxes and for n(years) at r% per value added tax. annum. (4) calculate the income tax levied on a given income. (5) determine the value added tax (vat) paid on certain goods and services. 37