Answer all the questions. Each question is followed by fourfour optioptionsons lett lettereered A d A tto Do D. F. Fiind tnd the he correctcorrect op opttion ion ffor or each question and shade in pencil, on your ans, on your ans, on your answwwer er er sheetsheetsheet, , , ttthe he he answanswanswer er er space wspace wspace whhhich beich beich bearsarsars ttthe he he samsamsame lee lee lettttttererer as t as t as the he he opopttiion on you you have chosen. Gihave chosen. Give ve only only one answer to each question. An example is given below. An eeqqual mix of coual mix of compmplementary colours results in lementary colours results in A. tint. B. gray. C. shade. D. polychrome. The correct answer is gray, which is lettered B gray, which is lettered B gray, which is lettered B and therefoand therefoand thereforrreee an an answer spaceswer spaceswer space B B B would be shaded. [A] [B] [C] [D] ThThThiiink carenk carenk carefffullullully bey bey befffororore you shade e you shade e you shade ttthe he he answanswanswer er er spaces; erspaces; erspaces; erasasase come come complepleplettteeely aly aly any ansny ansny answwwer(er(er(s) s) s) yyyou wiou wiou wish sh sh ttto o o change. Do all rough rough wwork ork on on tthihis qs quesuesttiion on paper.paper. NoNoww answanswer er tthe fhe followollowiing ng quequestistionsons.. Figure 1 1. What is thee name of thname of thee roll rolleer ir in n Figure 1 above'? A. Scam roller B. Felt roller C. Fountain roller D. Cylinder roller 2. Sanding sponge, scrapping knife and scrapping knife and nylon brbristleistle br brushush ar aree tools f tools for surface A. preparation. B. painting. C. priming. D. varnishing. 3 To prime a newTo prime a new m metal surfacetal surfacee for d for deecoration,coration, it must be it must be A. oiled. B. washed. C. degreased. D. smoothened. 4. PencilPencil brush i brush is suitabls suitablee for wri for writing ting serif lettering because of its A. pointed fillings. B. curved fillings. C. flat fillings. D. bevelled fillings.