Free WAEC Past Questions on Painting and Decorating

Download Now! free WAEC Painting and Decorating Past questions and answers for Objective test, theory/essay to be used for examination preparation

WAEC Painting and Decorating Past Questions,

Past Questions for WAEC Painting and Decorating

Painting and Decorating WAEC Past Questions and Answers

Painting and Decorating WAEC Practical

Painting and Decorating WAEC Past Questions Download Now! free WAEC Painting and Decorating Past questions and answers for Objective test, theory/essay to be used for examination preparatio n

SC7211 Name: WASSCE (SC) 2022 PAINTING AND Index Number: DECORATING 1 Objective Test 1 hour THE WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates, 2021 SC 2022 PAINTING AND DECORATING 1 1 hour OBJECTIVE TEST [40 marks] Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top right-hand comer of this booklet and thereafter, read the following instructions carefully. 1. Use HB pencil throughout. 2. If you have got a blank answer sheet, complete its top section as follows. (a) In the space marked Name, write in capital letters your surname followed by your other names. (b) In the spaces marked Examination, Year, Subject and Paper, write ‘WASSCE (SC)’, ‘2022’ ‘PAINTING AND DECORATING and ‘1’ respectively. (c) In the box marked Index Number, write your index number vertically in the spaces on the left-hand 112side. There are numbered spaces in line with each digit. Shade carefully the space with the same number as each digit. (d) In the box marked Paper Code, write the digits 721113 in the spaces on the left-hand side. Shade the corresponding numbered spaces in the same way as for your index number. (e) In the box marked Sex, shade the space marked M if you are male, or F if you are female. 3. If you have got a pre-printed answer sheet, check that the details are correctly printed, as described in 2 above. In the boxes marked Index Number, Paper Code and Sex, reshade each of the shaded spaces. 4. An example is given below. This is for a male candidate whose name is Chinedu Oladapo DIKKO, whose index number is 4251102068 and who is offering Painting and Decorating 1. 2022 PAINTING & DECORATING

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Answer all the questions. Each question is followed by fourfour optioptionsons lett lettereered A d A tto Do D. F. Fiind tnd the he correctcorrect op opttion ion ffor or each question and shade in pencil, on your ans, on your ans, on your answwwer er er sheetsheetsheet, , , ttthe he he answanswanswer er er space wspace wspace whhhich beich beich bearsarsars ttthe he he samsamsame lee lee lettttttererer as t as t as the he he opopttiion on you you have chosen. Gihave chosen. Give ve only only one answer to each question. An example is given below. An eeqqual mix of coual mix of compmplementary colours results in lementary colours results in A. tint. B. gray. C. shade. D. polychrome. The correct answer is gray, which is lettered B gray, which is lettered B gray, which is lettered B and therefoand therefoand thereforrreee an an answer spaceswer spaceswer space B B B would be shaded. [A] [B] [C] [D] ThThThiiink carenk carenk carefffullullully bey bey befffororore you shade e you shade e you shade ttthe he he answanswanswer er er spaces; erspaces; erspaces; erasasase come come complepleplettteeely aly aly any ansny ansny answwwer(er(er(s) s) s) yyyou wiou wiou wish sh sh ttto o o change. Do all rough rough wwork ork on on tthihis qs quesuesttiion on paper.paper. NoNoww answanswer er tthe fhe followollowiing ng quequestistionsons.. Figure 1 1. What is thee name of thname of thee roll rolleer ir in n Figure 1 above'? A. Scam roller B. Felt roller C. Fountain roller D. Cylinder roller 2. Sanding sponge, scrapping knife and scrapping knife and nylon brbristleistle br brushush ar aree tools f tools for surface A. preparation. B. painting. C. priming. D. varnishing. 3 To prime a newTo prime a new m metal surfacetal surfacee for d for deecoration,coration, it must be it must be A. oiled. B. washed. C. degreased. D. smoothened. 4. PencilPencil brush i brush is suitabls suitablee for wri for writing ting serif lettering because of its A. pointed fillings. B. curved fillings. C. flat fillings. D. bevelled fillings.

5. Removing brush marks from a newly painted surface requires a A. wire brush. B. dusting brush. C. stippling brush. D. two-hot brush. 6. A limitation on the use of the infrared paint removal is that, it A. is suitable for only indoor use. B. cannot be used on exterior surfaces C. strips paints completely at low temperature. D. is not suitable for removing paint from metal. 7. To propose a colour scheme to a client, the painter requires a colour A. chart. B. wheel. C. book. D. rough. 8. The standard colour for emergency sign exit is A. red and blue. B. green and white. C. blue and yellow. D. yellow and while. 9. A hue can be shaded by the addition of A. white. B. black. C. orange. D. yellow. 10. Monochrome is adding A. complementary colour. B. tertiary colour. C. neutral colour. D. secondary colour. 11. The mixture of white and black will produce A. grey. B. violet. C. purple. D. blue. 12. Veining is a technique in A. sponging. B. marbling. C. scumbling. D. spattering. 13. To hold a stencil design in place, you need to A. use smooth and sweeping motions. B. ensure that the surface moves. C. hold with adhesive. D. use headless pins.

14. Scumbling with a thick paint layer results in A. antiquing. B. brush mark. C. cracking. D. combing. 15. Which of the following techniques is best used to depict the sky? A. Sponging B. Combing C. Rag rolling D. Spattering 16. Oil scumble is a mixture of A. linseed oil, glycerine, fuller’s earth and driers. B. linseed oil, glycerine, turps and driers. C. acrylic, linseed oil . glycerine and driers. D. fuller’s earth, acrylic lacquer, turps and driers. 17. Brushing a thin, transparent, paint coat over an area of dry ground coat is A. flat paint. B. glazing. C. opaque. D. plain painting. 18. In rag rolling, the base is A. ragged immediately after application.' B. allowed to dry at least for twenty four hours. C. allowed to stay for at least one hour. D. ragged after two hours. 19. Scumble is best used on a A. wet surface. B. leather surface. C. dry surface. D. thin surface. 20. To achieve excellent results in spraying A. point the spray gun while spraying. B. pull the trigger before spraying. C. get close to the object. D. allow fan spray to overlap. 21. 22.

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Instruction to candidates This paper consists of two alternatives 1 and 2. Candidates are to attempt one alternative only. Write the alternative attempted, your name and index number boldly at the working back of your surface. Do not bring prepared work into the examination hall. Instruments and tracing paper are allowed. All alternative carry equal marks. ALTERNATIVE 1 Material required I. Strawboard (working surface of 50 cm by 75 cm). 2 Water thinned paint (Emulsion) 3040 cream 3 Gloss paint (Navy blue) 4 Thinner 5 Masking lope 6 Drawing sheet Preparation The candidate is responsible for preparing the working surface before the day of the examination. Die candidate is also responsible for the provision of the materials required to carry out the examination to specification Examination The work is to be completed in the presence of the supervisor. The examination consists of the enlargement of the logo (five times of the given size), boarder line and sign writing work to the given specification The given dimensions specifications is to guide the candidate and should not be indicated on the final work.

ALTERNATIVE I Materials required 1 Thick straw board (working surface of 50 cat b> 75 cm) 2 Emulsion paint (White). 3. Glass paint (Navy blue). 4 Gloss paint (Silver grey). 5. Stencilling paper 6 Paper cutter 7. Thinner. 8 Foam. 9. Masking tape

Preparation The candidate is responsible for preparing the working surface before the (by of the examination The candidate is also responsible for the provision of the materials required to carry out the examination to specification Working surface A thick straw board measuring 50 cm by 75 cm to be coated with emulsion paint (white) before the day of the examination Examination The work is to be completed in Use presence of the supervisor The examination consists of the enlargement of the logo of National Association of Painting and Decorating Students (NAPADS), stencilled out and dabbed on the surface, the abbreviation SAP.4DS sign written on the work to the given specification The given dimensions, specifications is to guide the candidate and should not he indicated on the final work. ALTERNATIVE 2