Ere slumber's chain has bound me. Sad memory brings the light of other days around me. 26. The theme is about the poet's A. broken love affairs. B. fear of the stilly night. C. sleepless night. D. yeaning for happier times gone by. 27. The theme of the poem is presented essentially through A. assonance. B. contrast. C. paradox. D. repetition. 28. The two words that give hint of the poet's unhappiness are A. light and night. B. light and shone. C. night and dimm'd. D. shone and dimm'd. 29. The poet refers to memory as being 'fond' and 'sad' because it brings A. cheers and smiles. B. love and joy. C. sorrow and pity. D. smiles and tears. 30. The meaning of the expression. Ere slumber's chain has bound me is A. after I wake up. B. before I sleep. C. before I dream. D. since I cannot sleep. SECTION B Answer all the Questions in this section. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE: Othello Read the extract and answer Questions 31 to 35. Zounds, sir, y' are robbed! For shame, put on your gown! Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul. Even now, now, veiy now, an old black ram Is tupping vour white ewe. Arise, arise! Awake the snorting citizens with the bell, Or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. Arise I say! (Act I, Scene One, lines 83- 89) 31. The speaker is A. Cassio. B. Iago. C. Lodovico. D. Roderigo. 32. The listener's initial reaction to the speech is one of A. anger. B. defiance. C. disbelief. D. regret.