33. The underlined expression implies an attitude of A. callousness. B. hypocrisy. C. racism. D. tribalism. 34. ... y' are robbed! refers to A. Brabantio's rejection of Othello. B. Desdemona's stout defence of Othello. C. Iago's stealing of Roderigo's purse. D. Othello's elopement with Desdemona. 35. The speaker is A. at the citadel of Cyprus. B. in front of Brabantio's house. C. in the council chamber. D. outside the sagittary. Read the extract and answer Questions 36 to 40. I will rather sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with so slight, so drunken, and so indiscreet an officer. Drunk! And speak parrot! And squabble! Swagger! Swear! And discourse fustian with one's own shadow! O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil! (Act II, Scene Three, lines 262-267) 36. The speaker is A. Cassio. B. Iago. C. Duke. D. Roderigo. 37. The speaker is addressing A. Cassio. B. Iago. C. Othello. D. Roderigo. 38. The mood is that of A. deceit. B. envy. C. hatred. D. regret. 39. ... so good a commander refers to A. Brabantio. B. Duke. C. Othello. D. Roderigo. https://stcharlesedu.com 40. The underlined expression exemplifies A. antithesis. B. apostrophe. C. chiasmus. D. euphemism.