5. The underlined words illustrate A. hyperbole. B. irony. C. metonymy D. paradox. 6. hands and feet in line 4 illustrate A. contrast. B. litotes. C. personification D. synecdoche 7. His pen was like the breath of life exemplifies A. bathos. B. pathos. C. satire. D. simile. 8. Comic relief occurs in A. comedies. B. pastorals. C. romance. D. tragedies. 9. One week of fasting makes one weak is an example of A. apostrophe. B. paradox. C. pun. D. sarcasm. 10. Students rarely read Julius Caesar these days illustrates A. caesura. B. eponym. C. oxymoron D. zeugma. 11. In Literature, the term poetic Justice applies to A. a story that ends well. B. characters that are spared death. C. the development of a good plot. D. the rewarding of good characters and the punishing of bad ones. 12. Ascribing human moods to nature, as in a playful breeze illustrates A. humor. B. pathetic fallacy. C. symbolism. D. transferred epithet. 13 The end of a performance is followed by A. a curtain call. B. a certain raiser. https://stcharlesedu.com C. epilogue. D. interlude.