Answer all the Questions Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct options for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you Chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below All the word’s a stage is an example of A. metaphor. B. paradox. C. allusion. D. personification The correct answer is Metaphor, which is lettered C and therefore answer space C would be shaded. [A] [ B ] [C] [ D ] Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer you wish to change. Do all rough work on this questions paper. Now answer the following questions. SECTION A Answer all the questions in this section PART 1 General Knowledge of Literature 1. A situation where an audience is aware of an action a character is ignorant of is A. dramatic irony. B. comic relief. C. aside. D. satire. 2. A fictional prose which is neither a novel nor a short story is a/an A. allegory. B. fable. C. novella. D. novelette. 3. Condensed use of language is a dominant feature of A. comedy. B. poetry. C. prose. D. tragedy. 4. The sudden reversal of a character's fortune in a literary work is A. denouement B. hamartia C. hubris D. peripeteia Read the extract below and answer Questions 5 to 7. With the pen, he wrote kings into reality With his words, kingdoms arose. Those same words, slaves inhaled Their hands building walls, their feet tromping territories His pen was like the breath life.