TIME: 1 Hour 15 Minutes SECTION A: ENGLISH LANGUAGE & VERBAL APTITUDE INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow, The following day was a market day at Anikoro village. As soon as the market was full the dreadful leopard jumped from a nearby bush into the market. At once hell broke loose. There was a general stampede market women and men screamed and ran away in panic leaving their own children behind. Even animals (dogs and goats) joined in the mad race. People collided with one another Goods like pepper, salt, fish , garri, meat and groundnuts were trampled upon and scattered Tanigoro was nearby when the leopard jumped into the market. At once he jumped onto the top of the leopard and grabbed it by the neck with his bare hands. The leopard kicked about wildly but Tanigoro tightened his grip more and more. It was a tough battle which ended in a victory for Tanigoro. 1. According to the passage the leopard appeared when the market was _______ A. Half fitted B. Empty C. Fully filled D. Was deserted 2. When the leopard appeared activities in the market became_______ A. Disorganized B. Normal C. Friendly D. Victorious 3. They ran in panic means they_______ A. Walked away in hesitation B. Moved out quickly C. Left without looking beck D. Moved away in confusion 4. Who did not take part in the mad race? A. Market women B. Tamgoro https://stcharlesedu.com C. Dogs D. Goats 5. What finally happened to the leopard? A. It ran away B. It kitted Tamgoro C. It carried Tamgoro to the bush D. It was kitted by Tanigoro