COMMAND SECONDARY SCHOOLS ENTRANCE EXAMINATION JUNE 202I TIME: 2 Hour 45 Minutes INSTRUCTIONS: DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO, WHILE WAITING, READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY Use One each of your Answer Sheet for: • English Language and Verbal Aptitude • Mathematics and Quantitative Aptitude 1 You arc to use HB pencil throughout on your Answer Sheets. 2. CANDIDATE’S NAME You will be given two (2) Answer Sheets on which you will write your name on each. Remember to write your surname first and then your other names. Use each Answer Sheet to answer one subject. 3. EXAM NUMBER Your Examination Number is on the Identification Slip which is with you. You will start by writing each digit of your “CANDIDATE’S NUMBER" in the row of boxes at the top starting with the first box. then you will shade the corresponding number in the column directly below the box. Example: Candidate’s Number 672838CF 4 Remember to shade correctly your Parental Status provided on the Answer Sheets e.g. Officer □ Soldier □ Civilian □ 5. Think carefully before you make a choice of an answer. When you have chosen your answer to a question, turn to your answer sheet, find the number and letter that corresponds with your choice and shade the box. If you wish to change the answer you have shaded, erase it completely and then shade your new answer. If you fail to erase the first choice completely, you may be marked wrong 6. If you find it difficult to answer a question, spend less time on it, go to the next question. 7. Do not ask for explanations to any question during the examination.