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OVERVIEW Cundall Health and Wellbeing Report 2021 Introduction At Cundall we continue to be committed to fulfilling our ‚ Our mental health awareness training programme vision to be the best place for talent to grow and flourish. launched with a pilot ‘general awareness’ session to Helping our people take care of their physical and mental increase understanding of mental health and help health is key to achieving this. to break down the associated stigma. We have also piloted a workshop to help our people managers The past 12 months have been particularly challenging develop a deeper understanding of mental wellbeing for many of us as we live through a global pandemic. and enable them to open up a conversation with their The many and far reaching effects of the pandemic have team, spot the signs of mental ill health and provide impacted both our physical and mental wellbeing and appropriate support. It was encouraging to see that some will feel this impact more than others. Evidence these pilot sessions were very well-attended. Almost shows that mental health and wellbeing has worsened 50% of our line managers have now had access to the during the pandemic on a global scale and the true impact people management training. Over the next 12 months is not yet fully understood. our aim is to roll our mental health awareness training programme out to all regions. During these unprecedented times, our aim has been to ‚ We have further developed our programme of wellness maintain our focus on the wellbeing of our people and the promotions including webinars on a wide range of commitments we made in our Health & Wellbeing Strategy physical and mental wellbeing topics such as nutrition, last year. Over the past 12 months we have continued to cancer in the workplace and staying physically well raise awareness of mental health and to provide whilst working from home. We have continued to raise wellbeing support. awareness of wellness days, such as ‘World Mental ‚ Our fully trained Mental Health First Aid team continue Health Day’ and continue to take every opportunity to to champion health and wellbeing globally and provide keep the conversation going about mental health. support to our people. ‚ We have piloted (in the UK) a new app-based service ‚ Our dedicated health and wellbeing page on called Help@hand, which provides access to online Dr Johnston provides a useful source of health and GP consultations, psychological consultations and wellbeing information, support and resource with physiotherapy consultations. If successful, we will look at ongoing updates to help our people during the Covid-19 providing a similar resource in other regions. pandemic and beyond. ‚ There has been an increase in communication to the global business via the Health and Wellbeing Yammer group. We have taken the opportunity to use this tool to reach out to our people during the pandemic, talk about how we can support ourselves and each other and share useful resources. 2 Health and Wellbeing Report 2021

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