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SWXd\ AbURad Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from BeloZ are just some recommendations for CBE students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and Ze encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! DeQPaUN AXVWUaOLa DTU UQLYeUVLW\ Rf MeObRXUQe Sophomore Spring Sophomore Spring Prepare to travel to the other side of the Stud\ for a semester in Scandinavia Zhere Zorld and spend a semester in Australia. sustainabilit\ is prioriti]ed through ever\ Home to top ranked institutions, students course. Students Zill also have access to can enjo\ Australia's iconic and aZe conducting research Zith facult\! inspiring natural treasures Zhile completing courses. CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I CM-UY 2614 Ph\sical Chemistr\ I CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistr\ II CM-UY 2223 Organic Chemistr\ II Free Elective Free Elective HUSS Elective HUSS Elective SRXWK KRUea HLJKOLJKWV KAIST Senior Spring Take unique electives More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects to innovative advances in automotive, Make lasting friendships and e[pand robotics and IT. Students can connect Zith \our global netZork renoZned companies such as Samsung, LG, Immersive cultural e[perience and H\undai! CBE-UY 4213 Engineering Laborator\ II All classes Pass/Fail! CBE-UY 4263 Chemical & Biomolecular Check out our Tandon E[change Process Design II database to revieZ locations and Free Elective school! HUSS Elective Check it out! Sample CBE Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad PathZa\s CBE Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th

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