SWXd\ AbURad CiYil Engineering StXdents can stXd\ abroad at one of oXr e[change partners Zhile sta\ing on track for their degree! We haYe oYer 30 partner institXtions to choose from BeloZ are jXst some recommendations for CE stXdents looking to stXd\ abroad. These are not \oXr onl\ options and Ze encoXrage \oX to set Xp an appointment to learn more! GeUPaQ\ IWaO\ HM HRcKVcKXOe M¾QcKeQ PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR UQLYeUVLW\ Rf ASSOLed ScLeQceV Sophomore Spring, JXnior Sophomore Spring Spring Spend a semester learning first hand aboXt the Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering Zorld famoXs German IngenXit\. StXdents can school. StXdents Zill take classes and haYe take adYantage of strong ties to the aXtomotiYe the chance to join FormXla 1 and Motocross and aerospace indXstries. clXb teams! CE-UY 2213 FlXid Mechanics & H\draXlics CE-UY 2213 FlXid Mechanics & H\draXlics CiYil Engineering ElectiYe CE-UY 3163 Materials for the BXilt EnYiron. CE-UY 3223 IntrodXction to EE Free ElectiYe MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis Free ElectiYe CE-UY 2533 ConstrXction Project Mgmt. SRXWK KRUea HLJKOLJKWV KAIST Take XniqXe electiYes Sophomore Spring Get inYolYed in mXltidisciplinar\ projects Make lasting friendships and e[pand More than jXst K-Pop, SoXth Korea is home \oXr global netZork to innoYatiYe adYances in aXtomotiYe, ImmersiYe cXltXral e[perience robotics and IT. StXdents can connect Zith renoZned companies sXch as SamsXng, LG, All classes Pass/Fail! and H\Xndai! MA-UY 3044 Linear Algebra MA-UY 2224 Data Anal\sis Check oXt oXr Tandon E[change HUSS ElectiYe database to reYieZ locations and school! Free ElectiYe Check it oXt! Sample CE StXd\ Pre-ApproYed Pre-ApproYed Abroad PathZa\s CE CoXrses HUSS CoXrses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: FebrXar\ 15th SSULQJ: September 25th
Major Specific Study Abroad Guides Page 3 Page 5