NURSING STUDENT ELISA RODRIGUEZ WINS 2024 PHOTO CONTEST Nursing student Elisa Rodriguez was A昀琀er graduation, she plans to remain recently named the winner of the 2024 within our community and would love to Photo Contest held at Robeson Communi- work for Scotland Memorial Hospital in ty College. Laurinburg. Rodriguez is presently in the nursing pro- 吀栀is year’s theme for the picture contest gram and plans to graduate by July 2025. was “Capturing What Spring Looks Like When asked how her experience has been Within Your County”. so far, she replied, “It’s been a good expe- rience and rewarding.” Elisa Rodriquez Rodriquez states, “My photo was taken at has been married for 16 years and has 3 the start of spring when the 昀氀owers started children. She chooses not to work in order blossoming in my yard. 吀栀is shed is in my to focus her attention on her studies. backyard and has been there since the early seventies within Robeson County”. When asked what inspired her to pursue nursing, she said, “I like helping people. 吀栀e Cultural Events Committee would like I’ve always liked the medical 昀椀eld. I’ve to congratulate Elisa Rodriquez and thank always been drawn to it.” all the students who entered the contest. 4