Our Brand team as a whole led to productive and software that helps any business constructive criticism, as well as one of Our Purpose be better. The technologies and the most scathing pieces of feedback Statement methodologies we use and promote any of us had ever seen! all lean right into the idea of improved What is Atlas and collaboration, greater efficiency, and continuous improvement. Our purpose why do we do statement needed to reflect that and after much back and forthing, we what we do? landed on: We exist to create software One thing we set out to do this year that empowers any business was to define who we are and why to effectively collaborate and transform we do what we do. These endeavours usually come wrapped in marketing As a single statement we believe this speak and talk about ‘brands’ and gets to the core of what we discussed ‘identities’ and ‘values’. They’re above. It wraps up our ultimate goal decided on behind closed doors and in a clear, direct manner that the Atlas pushed out to confused faces with Team felt best reflected why they do little relevance to people’s day to day what they do each day. understanding of what a business is. This is not what we wanted. From the Our Mission start, we set out to involve everyone who’s helped Atlas grow to this point, Statement and will continue to help it grow in the future. With that in mind we began Similar to our purpose but subtly crafting various statements and laying different our mission statement out core values, constantly looking to describes the ‘what’ of what we do. the Atlas Team for feedback and input What is it you produce? What is the as we went. We’ll get into that later because it’s well Our purpose statement describes the end result? What’s at the end of a This resulted in a set of brand worth revisiting as it was right on the ‘why’ of what we do. Why do we get up productive day for the company as a statements and core values that not money and gave us all a good laugh. in the morning? Why do we work the whole? only reflect what the few believe Atlas For the time being though, let’s look hours we work? Why do we want to For that we looked at what sets Atlas is, but what the whole feels it is. This at what our efforts have produced. produce the products we produce? software apart. One of our main constant back and forth between the As a company we want to create focuses from day one has been ATLAS WORLD MAGAZINE SPRING, 2022

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