ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue the bottom of a drawer a long time ago and now important is for you to highlight the physical it turned up to be modern and actual. aspect of your artworks? We definitely love the way Passions and Ivan Arkhipov: Yes, those works were made with Expiation provides to sensations belonging to the great physical effort. It is a mixed technique of emotional sphere with such unique materic wood engraving and metal etching. Resistance identity. We sometimes tend to forget that a of the material influences forming of image. You work of art is a physical artefact with tactile have to give all of yourself to it, to get angry, to struggle, to sweat and at the same time you qualities, and we really appreciate the way, your enjoy it. The perception of reality is getting artistic production highlights the materiality muffled. An artwork is born as a result of all that. among the viewer: as an artist particularly But for me the process is more important than interested in the resistance of materials, how the result.