Ivan Arkhipov ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue An experience of pressure, evisceration, cruel memories and your direct, everyday life's and harsh reforming of nature according to experience fuel your artistic research? human needs. For how more long can humankind hold this Ivan Arkhipov: I find important to balance tension towards the world? between reality and subconciousness. I could dive into the dark deep, and then come up to the Your artistic research is deeply engaged with surface and find something breathtaking in human experience, and as you have remarked in casual daily routine. So I am trying to look wide the ending lines of your artist's statement, you and not to get stuck on one direction. It helps to want to talk about person, person loneliness in let new interesting ideas in. Sometimes it comes the world, about seeking and delusions, about up from the past unexpected. Sometimes you gradually gained experience: how do your find an idea from an old sketch that you threw at