Maryam Dehbozorgi ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue are always terrifying. I wanted to combine storytelling, Personal Photo challenges the shadows with familiar everyday objects to logic of ordinary perception, urging the face my fears and become familiar with viewers toa participative effort, and them. So they combined with wigs, fabrics, especially to question the nature of the act socks, newspapers, etc and created a new of looking itself: Scottish artist Peter Doig and fresh image that was more once remarked thateven the most realistic understandable and lovable. work of arts are derived more from within the head than from what's out there in front Your artistic research had at once been of us, how do you considerthe relationship focussed on the connection with your past between reality and imagination, playing and move through lost time, while today within your artistic production? you draw inspiration from your life and the concept of “ self “ in relation to society: Maryam Dehbozorgi: The essence of art is how do yourmemoriesand your direct, inconceivable without the element of everyday life's experience fuel your artistic imagination, because both the artist in the research? process of creating the work of art and the audience in front of the work, depend on it. Maryam Dehbozorgi: Each person's past in Imagination can break the boundaries of the form of memories contains important reality and create a connection between the information about him/her, so retrieving this artist and the real world outside his mind. information can be effective in knowing The concept of reality about personal photos yourself and the world around you. I take is something that is generally accepted; inspiration from my personal issues and these photos show the individual identity on background to express larger and more the identity card, national card, passport, general issues, as it is said that history is the etc. by specifying the framing and having the beacon of the future, my history and past specified features in size, color, etc. can also inspire me to move forward in the future. Here my visual elements are old The knowledge that each person has about photos. In my opinion, the challenges I face the general form and structure of such during my life can be common with the photos with limited and conventional issues and concerns of the society where I framing is challenged in my series, personal live. So I start with myself and by probing my photos; In these works, my imagination own past, I raise common issues with today's moves beyond the dry and formal society through my work. In many of the boundaries of these photos and breaks their collage works, I include pieces of images of hard space. As the Italian artist Giorgio de my city and a photo of my face and strive to Chirico puts it: A work of art must be able to leave a trace of the space, place and time express what lies behind it, and I apply that belongs to me. . In general, I must say dream and imagination beyond the usual that I like to portray this duality of the past principles and logic. In fact, daydreaming and the present. helps me discover the hidden potential of the reality of these photos. In the face of With its unconventional as well as powerful these images, the audience disconnects from