ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue their usual perception of the real world and turns to fantasy. Therefore, in my works, fantasy is placed next to reality in such a way that a complete work is made. I use reality to create a work that stimulates the imagination. We really appreciate your sapient use of images that reminds to familiarity, that are able to create poetic metaphors through sapiently selected means: how do you consider the role of symbols and evokative elements playing within your artistic process? And how important is for you to create artworks rich of allegorical qualities? Maryam Dehbozorgi: By encoding my thoughts in the form of iconic symbols, I create a way to make concepts more understandable to the audience. I convey another concept and message through everyday and familiar objects that have the same meaning between people and the public; in fact, symbols help me convey my thoughts; They express truths that require interpretation and thought in order to be understood. I like to challenge the audience in my works, that's why I put my mental truths and thoughts in front of their eyes in the form of camouflage in symbols. In my work, objects that are tangible and familiar in appearance are de-familiarized in meaning so that more time is spent exploring them by making the forms difficult. In fact, here another duality is created in understanding the meaning and making the work. I prefer to create a sense of curiosity and research in the audience. Here the audience is free to think, search and even fantasize. This acquaintance of the audience with some visual elements and having a background knowledge of it that has been used in a new