ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue My photographic work thus also addresses the general is depicted in the particular - or in the ambivalent aspects of our daily dealings with individual. Thus, a work can be factual and at food. This "silent guest" - is rich in symbols and the same time deeply personal to tap into re- allegories. The interpretation of my work, alms of feeling. however, also eludes a binding possibility of You are an established photographer and over interpretation here. Oscillating between the years your works have been exhibited in consumer criticism, the joy and celebration of several occasions: how do you considerthe agricultural yields or an allegory of the fertility, nature of your relationship with your audience? the interpretation lies so solely in the eye of the By the way, as the move of Art from traditional beholder. gallery spaces, to street and especially to Your first works from yourSilent guestseries online platforms — asInstagram andVimeo— were made in connection with the corona pan- increases, how would in your opinion change demic. Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco once the relationship with a globalised audience? stated, "artists's role differs depending on Claudia Grünig: As I said in the beginning, I like which part of the world they’re in": do you to invite my audience to follow me into my think that your artistic research respond to a world of images. Today's ability to connect with particular historical moment? And how do you a global audience creates great visibility for considerthe role of artists in the contemporary artists. Without this digital dissemination age? possibilities, this would not be possible in this Claudia Grünig: Your statement, "The role of way. However, I appreciate the real exchange. the artist depends on what part of the world he And so I wish for "real" exhibitions & real is in" is absolutely true for me. From my point of encounters with real people in physical spaces. I view, his role, his task and the reaction to it are wish for real visibility, participation, experience always defined by context, imprinting, patterns ability and emotion. and values. Cultural background, family environ- Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your ment, as well as the social background play a thoughts, Claudia. Finally, would you like to tell decisive role. Likewise, territorial and social is- us readers something about your future sues are a contemporary challenge. Climatic projects? How do you see your work evolving? changes, social upheavals and the Corona pan- demic are real, tangible threats that affect us. I Claudia Grünig: Where my work may lead me in think that in my first pictures of the cycle "Silent the future, I cannot answer. As I always do, I Guest" I have reacted to a historical moment. follow my intuition. New influences and events But much more than this fact, this historical mo- will play a role. And wherever they will lead me - ment has an immediate effect on me. Thus, my I am sure that pictures will emerge that will works are for me only indirectly a statement on surprise me. world events. Rather, they correspond to my own perception and feeling. Sometimes, howe- An interview by Josh Ryder, curator ver, overlaps succeed, in which the space from and Barbara Scott, curator the personal to the public opens up, in that the [email protected]