landscape of, 45-50; 53, 64 Still Life with Ewer, Vessels, and Symbolism, Cezanne's relation to, 78 Cezanne's opinion of, 4, 138, line and color in, 113-15 Pomegranate (Kalf), 53, 54 symmetry, in Still Life with Blue i4on.6 medium of, 1-2 Still Life with Fruit, Carafe, Sugar Pot, 46 as ebauches, 88-92 mistakes (stray marks) in, 104, Bowl, and Bottle (Cezanne), as etudes, 79 105, 105 95-98, 96 in exhibitions, 4, 6n«4, 19 opacity of vessels in, 132 as tableau nonfini, 95-98 tableaux influence on oil work, 99n.3 order of drawing/painting, 104 variations on theme of, 95, 96, 97 in classical academic system, 78 vs. oil, 1-2 . origin of name, i Still Life with Glasses, Carafes, and esquisses before and after, 85-88 ratio of pencil to, 85, 127, 128 paper used in, 103, 103-4 Compotiers of Fruit etudes as, 79, 98 as tableau, 92, 93, 94-98 pencil marks in, 104, 105, 106-7, (Caillebotte), 58, 58 nonfini, 94-98 watermelon 108, 115, 122, 1.3511.6 Still Life with Green Melon Still Life with Blue Pot as, 76 in Still Life with Cut Watermelon, as picture vs. sketch/study, i, 65, (Cezanne), 95-98, 97 watercolors as, 92, 93, 94-98 35, 36, 95 75;76 as tableau nonfini, 95-98 Tanguy, Pere, 19 in Still Life with Fruit, Carafe, plate of, xii variations on theme of, 95, 96, 97 tapestry Sugar Bowl, and Bottle, 95-98 preparatory sketches for, lack of, 75 Still Life with Milk Pot, Melon, and in Still Life with Apples and in Still Life with Green Melon, vs. Still Life: Sugar Bowl, Pears, Sugar Bowl (Cezanne), 10 Oranges, 51 95-98 and Blue Cup, 13 as companion to Still Life with in Still Life with Blue Pot, 9, 46, variations on theme of, 95-98, vs. Still Life with Apples, 52-53 Blue Pot, 76 48, 49, 62-64, 76, 112-20, 113, vs. Still Life with Apples and Still Life with Peaches, a Silver 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 white (color) Oranges, 52-53 Goblet, Grapes, and Walnuts in Three Skulls, 65 Cezanne on use of, 104, 13411.4 vs. Still Life with Carafe, Bottle, (Chardin), 53, 54, 54 in Young Italian Woman at a in Still Life with Blue Pot, 104 and Fruit, 132, 133 Still Life with Plaster Cast Table, 62-64 white linen Still Life with Milk Pot, Melon, (Cezanne), 14-16, 85-88, 86 temporal changes, in series vs. in Still Life with Apples and and Sugar Bowl as companion composition of, 14-15 variations, 94 Oranges, 51 to, 76 expanded space of, 15-16, 56-57 Thaw Collection (New York), 87, 95 in Still Life with Blue Pot, 9, 45, vs. Still Life with Plaster Cast, 61 vs. Fantin-Latour's Still Life with themes, Cezanne's variations on, 104, 105, 108, 112, 113 as tableau, 76 Torso and Flowers, 60-62 94-98 white pot, in Still Life with Blue technique used for, 76 graphite drawings before and Three Pears (Cezanne), 125-28, 126 Pot, 9, 45-46, 107, 107-8, 108 vs. Three Skulls, 65 after, 85, 87 paper used in, 125, 126 wine bottle, in Still Life with top of, 109, 109, 110-11 inventory of objects in, 14-15 pencil marks in, 125, 126, 13511.9 • Carafe, Bottle, and Fruit, 132, unique nature of, 122 kitchen implied in, 15 Three Skulls (Cezanne), 65, 66 133 vs. Young Italian Woman at a Plaster Cupid after, 85, 87 as ebauche, 90 wordplay, 28, 43n.2O . Table, 62-64 Plaster Cupid before, 85, 87 oil painting related to, 90, 94 Still Life with Blue Pot and Bottle of studio as context for, 15-16 as tableau, 94 Wine (Cezanne), 92, 95 as tableau, 85 Trees Forming an Arch (Cezanne),. Young Italian Woman at a Table as incomplete, 92, 97 watercolor studies before and (Cezanne), 62-64, &3 vs. Still Life with Green Melon, 97 after, 14, 85, 87 Two Apples (Manet), 57, 57 Seated Woman (Madame Still Life with Carafe, Bottle, and Still Life with Torso and Flowers Cezanne) and, 90 Fruit (Cezanne), 125, 127, 128-34 (Fantin-Latour), 59, 60-62 act of drawing captured in, studio. See also Les Lauves studio Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri de, 50 128-29, 130-31, 131 as experimental space, 133-34 Vase of Flowers (Cezanne), 81, 81-85 Zola, Emile detail of, 131 kitchen in context of, 37 Vingt, Les, 42n.n in Aix-en-Provence, 17, 18 paper used in, 133 in Still Life with Plaster Cast, Vollard, Ambroise, 19, 13411.4 Cezanne's friendship with, 17, 20 pencil marks in, 127, 128-29, 15-16 Vollard's gallery (Paris) and Cezanne's Still Life with a 133, i35n.9 tied to domestic space, 15-16 first exhibition at (1895), 4> 611.4, Black Clock, 43n.2i transparency of watercolor in, subject matter, academic hierarchy 19 financial support from, 20 131-32 of, 78 watercolor exhibition in (1905), 19 The Masterpiece, 4, 20, 4211.15 Still Life with Compotier (Cezanne), sugar bowl in Paris, 19 3> 13-H in Still Life: Sugar Bowl, Pears, in Denis's Homage to Cezanne, and Blue Cup, 12-13 wainscoting, in Still Life with Blue 2, 2, 13 in Still Life with Apples, 17 Pot, 48, 48, 108, 109, 109, 112 Fry (Roger) on, 2, 13, 14, 56 in Still Life with Basket; or, The wallpaper, in -Still Life with Still Life with Cut Watermelon Kitchen Table, 14 Compotier, 14 (Cezanne), 35, 36 Switzerland, family trip to (1890), 21 watercolor(s) variations on theme of, 95, 96 admirers of, 2 147 INDEX

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