Index Note: Page numbers in italics Baudelaire, Charles, 115 Cezanne, Marie, 18 Courbet, Gustave, 12, 4211.12, 53, 57 indicate illustrations. Bed and Table (Cezanne), 28, 29 Cezanne, Paul Still Life with Apples, 57, 57 Bedpost and Chair Back (Cezanne), in Aix-en-Provence, 17-18, 20-21 Courtauld Institute of Art Gallery 2 death of, 22 (London), 38, 85, 86, 87, 99n.8 22-23, 5 Academic Suisse (Paris), 19 Belvedere Museum (Vienna), 92 education of, 17, 19 croquis, 78-79 Aix-en-Provence Bernard, Emile marriage of, 20-24 Cubism Cezanne in, 17-18, 20-21 admiration for Cezanne, 4 in Paris, 17-18, 19, 20 Bathers and, 2, 6n.3 Cezanne on life in, 18 inventory of colors by, 101, 134^1 son of, 20-24 Cezanne's interest in geometry in still lifes vs. landscapes, 18 on revision of Poussin, yin.5 youth of, 17-18 and, 55-56 anthropomorphism on watercolor process, 138 Cezanne, Paul (son) Cupid. See plaster cast; Plaster Cupid in The Green Pot, 33 Bernheim-Jeune, exhibition at paintings and drawings of, Curtains (Cezanne), 31, 32 of landscapes, 67 (1907), 6n.4, 138 22-28, 23, 24, 26, 27 of object relations, 11 Bertin, Jean- Victor, 50 relationship with, 20-24 skulls and, 65-6.7 Blanc, Charles, 99n.4 Cezanne, Rose Honorine, 18 Dallas Museum of Art, 93 apples, 51-53 blue (color), in Still Life with Blue chair, in Still Life with Apples and Decanter and Bowl (Cezanne), 79, 80 sexuality of, 3, 35 Pot, 138, 139 Chair Back, 38, 40 "deformations" in Still Life with Apples blue cup, in Still Life: Sugar Bowl, Chardin, Jean-Simeon of Still Life with Blue Pot, 4 (Cezanne), 51, 52 Pears, and Blue Cup, 12-13 influence of, 53-55, 57-62 of Still Life with Compotier, 14 in Still Life with Apples blue pot Still Life with Peaches, a Silver Degas, Edgar, 19, 64, 94 (Courbet), 57 in Still Life with Apples on a Goblet, Grapes, and Walnuts, Delacroix, Eugene, 123, i35n.8 in Still Life with Apples and Sideboard, 92 53, 54, 54 Delaunay, Robert, 138 Oranges, 51-52 in Still Life with Blue Pot, 9, 106, Chemin des Lauves: The Turn in the Demoiselles d'Avignon (Picasso), 2, in Still Life with Blue Pot, 9, 107, 120, 121 Road (Cezanne), 48, 49 6n.3 6 in Still Life with Milk Pot, Melon, Chocquet, Victor, 19, 124, 13511.7 Denis, Maurice 45-47; 4 > 47' 5°, 53, 106, 107, 120, 220 and Sugar Bowl, 11 Claude Lorrain, 50 admiration for Cezanne, 4 in Still Life with Compotier, 14 bodegone tradition, 95, 96 Coburn Memorial Collection on Chardin (Jean-Simeon), 72n.8 in Still Life with Plaster Cast, Bottles, Pot, Alcohol Stove, and (Chicago), 66 on colors, 17, 138 60, 62 Apples (Cezanne), 37, 37, 94 color Homage to Cezanne, 2, 2, 13 Apples, Bottle, and Glass (Cezanne), Boudin, Eugene, 53 vs. design, hierarchy of, 78 on revision of Poussin, 7111.5 79-81, 83 Braque, Georges, 2, 56, 64 femininity linked to, 78, 99n.4, design, vs. color, hierarchy of, 78 Apples, Carafe, and Sugar Bowl British Museum (London), 86 132 The Dessert (Cezanne), 39, 40 (Cezanne), 92, 92 Bryson, Norman, 7in.2 inventory of Cezanne's, 101, Diebenkorn, Richard, 48 Apples and Pears (Cezanne), 134-n.i drawing 79-81, 82 kinesthetic properties of, 130-31 act of, captured in Still Life Apples on a Plate (Cezanne), 84, 85 Cafe Guerbois (Paris), 19 line and, inversion of, 113-15, with Carafe, Bottle, and Fruit, Art Institute of Chicago, 66 Caillebotte, Gustave, 58-59, 69 2 1 1 1 i3 -33 128-29, 3°' 3 The Artist's Father (Cezanne), 12, Still Life with Glasses, Carafes, opaque vs. translucent, 131-32 masculinity linked to, 78, 99n.4 13, 4in.i and Compotiers of Fruit, 58, 58 in Still Life with Blue Pot, painting and, physical nature of, The Artist's Son Asleep (Cezanne), Calla Lily and Greenhouse Plants 113-20, 137-39 129-30 2 (Renoir), 70 colons, 99n.4, 132 Duranty, Edmond, 73n.2o, 13411.4 22-23, & carafe, in Still Life with Carafe, composition, of etudes, increasing Bottle, and Fruit, 127, 128, 129, complexity of, 79-81 balconies, 128, 13511.10 130, 131, 132 compotier, in Still Life with ebauches, 78-79 The Balcony (Cezanne), Carafe and Knife (Cezanne), 28, 29 Compotier, 14 Cezanne's, 88-92 Banquet (Cezanne), 4311.22 Cezanne, Anne Elizabeth Honorine concetti, 79 in classical academic system, 78 basket, picnic, in Still Life with Aubert, 17, 20, 21 Constantin, J. B., 4111.1 definition of, 79 Basket, 14 Cezanne, Emelie Hortense Fiquet cooking, scenes of, 55, 58 landscapes as, 79, 9911.8 Bathers paintings and drawings of, 21, Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 50 Ecole des Beaux-Arts (Paris), as ebauches vs. tableaux, 88-89 2 couillarde manner, 12, 4in.2 4211.11, 64 8-33, 3°> 67 from imagination vs. model, 88 relationship with, 20-24, 42n.i7 couleur, 99n.4, 132 Ecole Gratuite de Dessin (Aix-en- influence on modernism, 2, 6n.3 Cezanne, Louis-Auguste, 17, 18, 20 Provence), 17, 19 144

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