Local Road Management Manual 191 standards and passed all required inspection and tests. The Site inspectors will check all such documentation and forward it to the ifeld oiffce for ifling. Storage and 5protection of all delivered materials shall be checked periodically to ensure that there is no deterioration in the materials prior to incorporation in the work. Site Inspectors are expected to be knowledgeable in the work, familiar with the contract plans, speciifcations and contract conditions and experienced in the methods of installation. As such the inspection staff constitutes a valuable resource to the project. They will be called upon to assist in the interpretation of plans and speciifcations and can offer valuable insight on methods and techniques of construction. They must be careful not to direct the Contractor in means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or to make recommendations. Any advice requested and offered must be qualiifed with the statement that the Contractor alone, is responsible for the construction of the work. The Site inspectors are required to be familiar with the duties and responsibilities and shall be familiar with standard practice and procedures for installation of the related work. 4.5 Testing The Contractor should schedule the testing with the Materials Engineer designated by the LGU to this road project. All testing performed should be witnessed by both the Contractor and the PEO representative (Materials Engineer). Any test certiifcates issued must be safeguarded and ifled. Particular attention should be given to testing work or materials which will shortly thereafter be covered up or become otherwise inaccessible. Satisfactory testing results are required in order that follow-up work may proceed. The testing resources should be organized to be available as the work is installed and test results provided as soon as reasonably possible. Should the Contractor insist on covering work which has not been tested, the Contractor shall be informed in writing by a Non-Compliance Notice, that such work is not acceptable, that

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