Chapter 6: Local Road Construction Management 192 no payment will be made for the work, that any costs associated with uncovering the work will be solely the responsibility of the Contractor, and that there will be no extension to the contract time as a result of uncovering untested work or work for which a test result was unsatisfactory. 4.6 Survey Control The Resident Engineer and staff should require the contractor to give adequate notice of layout needs and schedule it accordingly with the survey crews so as not to cause delay in construction. Basic survey controls are to be protected and as when necessary, relocated. There should be frequent checks on layout to conifrm work is accurately installed. The inspectors and surveyors should do regular spot checks of measurements and elevations should be made and stablished. 4.7 Non-Conforming Work The contract records shall indicate that non-conforming work was brought to the attention of the Contractor; that corrective action was taken by the Contractor to bring the work into compliance; that the corrective action was, where required, pre- approved by the Resident Engineer; that the corrective action was observed and the ifnished work was re-inspected, re-tested or re-assessed and found to be in compliance. In general, minor non-conformances can be verbally notiifed to the Contractor and correction observed and conifrmed. Where verbal notiifcation does not produce correction within a short period, written notiifcation of non-compliance shall be issued. Where there is a major noncompliance, a written notiifcation to the Contractor shall be issued. Where a test result does not meet the speciifed minimum requirements, a written notiifcation of non-compliance for the work represented by the test result shall be issued by the Resident Engineer. Notiifcation of non-conforming work shall be by means of a Non- Compliance Notice. The Non-Compliance Notice shall identify

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