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115 Local Road Management Manual  Note: Regardless of road condition, damages to road sections are repaired after a disaster or accident  Scope of Work: Clearing of debris o Repairing washout/subsidence Emergency o Traiffc accident removal Maintenance Repair damage pavement and/or drainage Note: Regardless of road condition, existing geometric conditions are not adequate for current and projected traiffc volume but at the same time retaining the existing pavement type Scope of Work: Road extension Road widening Geometric design improvement New, major, raising or expanding earthworks Road Major slope protection Improvement Widening or improvement of existing local bridges Note: Regardless of road condition, existing PCCP is not adequate to support current and projected traiffc volume  Scope of Work: Overlaying of asphalt over PCCP making the pavement as Asphalt-Concrete Pavement (ACP) Work items in road improvement Road extension Road widening Geometric design improvement New, major, raising or expanding earthworks Road Major slope protection Upgrading Widening or improvement of existing local bridge Scope of Work: Construction of new road including all road sections and New Road elements Construction  AADT is more than 400 vehicles per day

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 115 LRM Manual CMGP Page 114 Page 116