Chapter 6: Local Road Construction Management 156 used. It should be noted that the Contractor is required under the contract to give speciifc prior notice of inspections; xi. When working outside normal oiffce hours, ensure communication with the Resident Engineer to report any exceptional events such as a bad accident or construction breakdown; xii. Liaise with the Resident Engineer when checking work; xiii. Liaise with the Materials Engineer and the laboratory technicians on the results of materials testing; xiv. Give special attention to matters concerning public safety, for example mud on roads, road signs and lighting of works; and xv. Give special attention to matters concerning the protection of the environment and adjacent land and property. d. Oiffce Support Staff. These are the administrative support staff for the road projects. With the direction from the Project Engineer: i. Prepare necessary documentation/report pertinent to the project; ii. Do revisions on the plan if there are any revisions; and iii. Keep all pertinent records/reports on the project 2.2 Project Coordination Meetings The CS Team shall endeavor to have regular coordination meetings as much as practicable with the contractor and other stakeholders. The following are the recommended project coordination meetings: a. Pre-Construction Conference. Before the start of the contract work, the CS team and other designated oiffcials of the local engineering oiffces should have a Pre-Construction Conference with the contractor. The agenda of this meeting are recommended to be the following: i. Project Matters • General Contract Data: ▫ Name and No. of Contract; ▫ Name of Contractor; ▫ Contract Price; ▫ Award Date; and
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