Local Road Management Manual 155 xiv. Ensure the proper execution by Contractor’s technicians of in-situ density testing of soils and pavement materials; xv. Supervise whatever other in-situ testing of soils is required by the speciifcations; xvi. Supervise the Contractor’s testing trials to establish the design of asphalt and concrete mixes and submit recommendations to the Engineer; and xvii. Attend to the initial and subsequent periodic checks of all mixing and transporting equipment for asphalt materials. c. Site Engineer. The Site Engineer is also known as the site inspector, civil works inspector or project inspector. The Site Engineer shall supervise the daily work activities at the project site. The Site Engineer is directly under the command of the Resident Engineer and shall have the following main duties: i. The Inspector should understand the Contract Drawings and Speciifcations; ii. Ensure that the Contractor’s work is properly supervised at all times and that it is carried out in accordance with the Construction Plan and technical Speciifcation; iii. Maintain records of construction activity; iv. Maintain approved shop drawings and records of the Works; v. Assist in the measurement of the Works and keep all necessary records; vi. Inform the Resident Engineer when faulty work occurs or where a variation is required. The Inspector is not authorized to issue instruction, which constitutes a variation of the contract; vii. Ensure that the records for plant and labor are kept accurately and that any removal of plant from the site by the Contractor is reported immediately to the Resident Engineer; viii. Inspect and approve prepared road formations and subsequent pavement construction; ix. For Compensation Events, agree with the Contractor records of plant, labor and materials involved. These should be signed and endorsed “for record purpose only.” Keep daily sites diaries and complete daily reports; x. Ensure the inspections requested by the Contractor are carried out promptly and that the prescribed forms are

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 155 LRM Manual CMGP Page 154 Page 156