Chapter 3: Local Road Planning 56 Framework Plan (PDPFP). The directions or thrusts of the LGU for sectoral development and spatial framework (e.g land use) are reviewed to support the realization of the development vision of the LGU; b. Local Road Sector Situational Analysis. The baseline conditions of the sectors are analyzed in terms of how the local road network is supporting sectoral development in the present and in the future. The key question is whether the present local road network is lacking or adequate enough to assist the sectoral development of the LGU. The present local road network should be assessed on its capacity to support the social, economic, and physical trends that the LGU intends to proceed based on its development. This situational analysis should result to the following local road planning data: i. Speciifcations of the Local Road Network. Local roads should support the spatial framework or land use of the LGU. It provides access and mobility to growth centers, production areas, settlements and resource centers. In support of the spatial framework, local roads may be created, upgraded, improved, rehabilitated, maintained or abandoned depending on the function that the road provides. The local road network may be conifgured by pavement type and geometric design based on the current and projected traiffc volume, which relates to the development level of the locality; and ii. Inventory of Local Roads. The individual conditions of the roads should be ascertained in detail as much as practicable. This inventory will help in determining the speciifc treatment options for local road management that may be applied to a particular leg of the network The surface conditions will tell the local engineering oiffce whether the road is in maintainable condition or not, which will determine the nature, quality and quantity of civil works for the subject road. c. Local Road Development Issues and Targets. Given the situational assessment, the development issues and

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